Here is where friends and communities hang out in fully customized (and personalized) online rooms. We believe that the Internet should be fun, weird and shared with others. You know what it feels like to be in the same place with a friend? To do something together? It's magical. And there's nothing quite like it online. Here is changing that.
We've grown over 100x the past 6 months, we run our own audio/video stack, and we're available on every major desktop web browser, native iOS and Android mobile web. Our founding team has deep expertise building social, consumer, collaboration and messaging products at companies like Facebook, Groupon and Instagram. Our lead investors have backed iconic consumer companies like Discord, Snap, Pinterest, Airbnb, DraftKings, Cameo, Giphy, Epic Games, and Riot Games at the earliest stages, and they see the same potential in us. We raised a lot of money from some of the top VCs and Angels in the world, but to be honest, we don't want you to come work with us because of that; we want you to come work with us because you believe people want to be together online, they just need the right place to do it—and we're going to build that place in Here.
We’re looking for an extraordinary Chief of Staff to join our team: